On-page SEO

Correctly implemented search engine optimisation translates to a strong return on investment.

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Photograph of Morgan Feeney

Why is SEO important?

On-page SEO helps search engines understand your website and its content, as well as identify whether it is relevant to a searcher's query.

Imagine you're an entrepreneur who's built a promising startup. Your product is top-notch, your branding is sleek, and you've put together a killer business plan. You've even assembled a great team, but for some reason, your website isn't getting the traction you were expecting. This is where on-page SEO becomes a crucial player.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, can often be the missing link between a quality product and its discoverability online. You might have the best product in the world, but if people can't find it when they search online, your visibility and your sales will be limited.

How Google Interprets On-Page SEO

When Google's bots crawl your website, they look at numerous factors to determine where your site should rank in search results. These factors are part of Google's algorithm, a complex and ever-changing set of rules that prioritize certain types of content and penalize others. While the precise algorithm is a closely guarded secret, the core objective is straightforward: to provide the user with the most relevant and high-quality content based on their search query.


Google uses semantic search to gauge how well the content on your page matches the intent behind a user's search query. It goes beyond merely matching keywords and delves into understanding the context and semantics.


Google examines various quality signals, such as the depth of your content, user interaction metrics (like bounce rate and time spent on the page), and the authority of inbound links to your site. Quality content that keeps users engaged is more likely to rank higher.

Technical Factors

Google also looks at technical aspects like page load speed, mobile-friendliness, and secure connections (HTTPS). These factors not only influence user experience but also contribute to your overall ranking.


With the advent of machine learning and advanced algorithms like RankBrain, Google is becoming increasingly good at understanding nuanced queries and the context in which keywords are used. It takes into account the user's personal history, location, and even the device they're using to serve the most relevant results.

On page SEO elements you should focus on

Meta Titles and Descriptions

These short snippets of text can make or break your click-through rate. A compelling meta description and a relevant title tag will not only catch a potential customer's eye in a sea of competitors, but also send the right signal to search engines about the content on the page.

Keyword Optimization

Identifying and strategically placing the right keywords can drastically improve your page's visibility. This includes not just the main body of text but also headings, subheadings, and even image alt text.

High-Quality Content

Providing valuable content that solves problems or adds insight will naturally attract more visitors and backlinks. This is something search engines heavily reward.

Internal Linking

Thoughtful linking to other parts of your website can help guide the user journey, improving both usability and your site's SEO. It shows search engines that your site has depth, boosting your credibility and rankings.

Site structure and navigation

Site structure goes beyond mere aesthetics; it's a fundamental element that affects both user experience and how search engines index your site. An intuitive, logically organized site structure enables easier navigation, encouraging users to spend more time exploring your content. This not only lowers your bounce rate but also boosts your rankings indirectly by signaling to Google that your site provides value.

Structured data

Structured data adds an extra layer of context to your content, making it easier for search engines to understand what your page is about. This can result in rich snippets, which make your search listing more informative and appealing to users.

Page Loading Speed

A slow website will not only frustrate visitors but also hurt your rankings. Make sure your website is optimized for speed, which includes choosing the right hosting service, optimizing images, and using caching solutions.

Mobile Optimization

With the majority of searches conducted on mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website isn't optional. It's a necessity.

Key takeaways

On-page SEO isn't just a checkbox to tick off; it's a strategic element that should intertwine with every aspect of your online business. Get it right, and you'll not only see an increase in traffic but also an improvement in the quality of leads and, ultimately, your revenue.

It's time for you to take control of your digital footprint and pave the way for your startup's success.

Is your current on-page SEO letting you down?

Get in touch
Saul Painter, Marketing Manager

Morgan was efficient, professional, proactive and helpful at every step of the way. He was always willing to keep up with our changing needs during the entire process. It was a pleasure to work with him.

Saul Painter, Marketing Manager, Macrium Software


What is a meta description and why does it matter?

The meta description is a short summary that appears under your page title in search engine results. A well-crafted meta description can improve click-through rates and give search engines a better understanding of your page content.

How does keyword optimization work?

Keyword optimization involves identifying relevant keywords and placing them strategically throughout your website. This includes headings, subheadings, meta descriptions, and the body of the content. Proper keyword optimization makes it easier for search engines to rank your page for relevant queries.

Why is page loading speed important?

Page loading speed directly impacts user experience and search engine rankings. Slow-loading pages can lead to higher bounce rates and lower rankings, as search engines aim to provide users with the best possible experience.

What is structured data and how can it help my SEO?

Structured data is a way to annotate your content to help search engines understand it better. It can lead to rich snippets in search results, improving click-through rates and potentially boosting rankings. Structured data can provide a competitive edge by making your listings more attractive and informative.

How do internal links contribute to on-page SEO?

Internal linking helps guide users through your website and gives search engines an idea of the site structure. A well-thought-out internal linking strategy can improve site navigation, boost page views, and enhance SEO by distributing page authority across the website.

Is mobile optimization really necessary?

With the increasing number of mobile users, mobile optimization is no longer optional. A mobile-friendly website not only improves user experience but also positively impacts search engine rankings, as Google includes mobile compatibility as a ranking factor.

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